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Registration for mySAWater

Registration is easy and takes just a few minutes.

You will need your water bill.

You will need to provide both your name and account number, exactly as shown on your bill:

SA Water example bill with a red box showing customers where to find the account number and name on their bill. If you are using a screen reader, you can find the account number in the 'Your account' section of your electronic bill. 'Name as displayed on your bill' is the name your bill is addressed to including title, initials, surname and spaces. Alternatively you can call SA Water on 1300 SA WATER (1300 729 283) and we can provide you with the information you need to register.

Register and manage
your account 24/7

  • Pay online or set up
    direct debit
  • Get your bills via
  • Manage multiple
  • View your
    transaction history
  • Understand your
    water use
  • Update your
    contact details
Have an account?